The retail sector alone is one of the largest employers in Germany at more than 300,000 companies with over three million employees. However, the sector is currently facing massive upheaval. High-street stores have begun running online shops or selling their products on online platforms. Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and big data have turned retail on its head.
Cross-border trade is growing in importance, and this extends to cross-border e-commerce with new opportunities in retail between countries. Clothing and shoes are prime examples of goods affected by cross-border retail trade, followed by consumer electronics such as computers, consoles, and mobile phones as well as music, books, toys, and even furniture. Our translators are well-versed in e-commerce. Specialist translators at ConText® have been translating catalogues and web content for the world’s largest furniture retailer for more than a decade.
Multilingual e-commerce translations for online shops and websites adapted to different markets play a crucial role in developing international sales. Accounting for cultural variation is just as important as an effective advertising style when addressing international markets. Using the right language is essential in addressing target markets eye-to-eye.
It takes more than an English translation to operate on a foreign-language market. Consumers prefer to deal in their native language from initial address to final purchase. Effective localisation can make or break a launch into a new international market.
Launching an international online shop is a great idea, but it needs to be thought through to the end. Which markets are the most promising, which languages should the new online shop use? Even then, presenting your products in several languages isn’t enough on its own. Customer queries still need to be responded to in the language of the customer.
Automatic translation APIs can help here, but legally binding texts such as general terms and conditions (GTCs) and disclaimers are best left to lawyers specialised in the respective market to prepare, and experienced certified translators specialised in legal texts to translate.
Our SEO specialists also perform international keyword research to ensure correct translation of SEO keywords in each respective target language in everything from fast-moving retail goods to package tours. Our specialist translators for commerce also prepare translations for leisure, hospitality, and other services as well as luxury goods.
Looking for a specialist translator in trade and commerce? The qualified native-language translators from ConText® will put together an ideal package.
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