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Luft- und Raumfahrt

The sky is not the limit: Specialist translations for the aerospace industry

... and tomato juice.

Aerospace is all about flying and, of course, the engineering and technology it involves – but not only that. Sometimes it’s all about passenger comfort on long-haul flights and, trivial as it may sound, the range of food and drinks on flight X from A to B. Even here, technical conditions need to be met before serving the champagne or tomato juice at thirty-five thousand feet.

Aeroplanes or helicopters, rockets bringing satellites into orbit, NASA or ESA, Airbus, Boeing, or SpaceX, it all begins with the basics of classic mechanical engineering that it takes for any aircraft to lift off the ground.

Local languages on board

Engineers from around the world need to be in a position to maintain and control systems to ensure safety in aircraft, satellites, and other aerospace equipment. This means technical documentation uniformly and consistently translated to be easy to understand while also taking into account the respective aviation regulations in the national jurisdiction involved.

Demand has also taken off for sustainable technologies such as solar-powered light aircraft, alternative fuel solutions, and a return to more old-school methods of taking to the air such as gliders, zeppelins, and hot-air balloons. Whether turboprops, business jets, or wide-body airliners, the respective local languages in addition to English as the general aviation language need to be on board; the translators from ConText® will make it happen.

The specialist translators from ConText® meet the requirements of the aerospace industry

The aerospace industry requires complete documentation of all parts and components used from the metal sheet panels to right down to the rivets keeping them together. Complex components such as landing gear and turbines are especially challenging.

Translating technical documentation into the respective target language requires a high degree of accuracy and care to avoid misunderstandings and errors that could otherwise lead to serious safety issues. This is why translations should be left to qualified and experienced translators with a fundamental understanding of technical terminology and the specific needs of the aerospace industry.

Technical documentation also needs to be updated regularly in order to keep up with the latest standards and regulations. This requires close cooperation between manufacturers, operators, and maintenance crews in aerospace systems on the one hand, and the competent regulatory authorities on the other. This plays an essential role in ensuring the safety and reliability of aerospace systems worldwide.

ConText® Aerospace Engineering project group

The translators in the ConText® Aerospace Engineering project group have a firm grip on the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical and control engineering, materials science, and fluid dynamics, as well as the corresponding vocabulary in their respective languages. These translators also possess expertise in the fields of astronomy, gas dynamics, aeronautical mechanics, space flight mechanics, aircraft and spacecraft construction, and aircraft and space propulsion systems.

Looking for a qualified specialist translator with a focus on aerospace to lift your documentation up to the next level? Give us a call or stop by, our local airport is almost on our doorstep.

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