You’ll hardly find any translation agency that doesn’t claim to provide customer services on a personal level based on mutual trust – but there are differences in interpretation.
Some language service providers, or LSPs, have project managers that often post their customers’ orders on web translation portals without asking their clients, and picking the first cheapest (but not necessarily the best) translator for the job. We take the trust you have placed in us more seriously.
We don’t view translations and other professional language services as a simple product, but as a communications project and a linguistic challenge; we only work with qualified and certified specialist translators whose performance is subjected to constant evaluation and review. Our translators have many years of experience and expertise in all of the fields that our customers come from.
So what exactly is language? Is it just a tool to describe the world we live in? Or is it the other way round – can we only understand the world as far as our language lets us, the language we learned as children?
“The limits of my language means the limits of my world,” said Ludwig Wittgenstein, and there’s a lot of truth to that – overcoming language barriers means communication without limitation.
We are a highly qualified team of translators, copywriters, proofreaders, and copy editors, and we have specialised in creating, translating, and adapting specialist written content – especially advertising – between languages. We work in all of the world’s major languages from our head office in Mainz, Germany, and we have more than sixty professionals in full-time employment or under contract to ensure that your translation is professional and linguistically correct.
We handle our projects in teams – whether it’s an individual order or a whole package, we organise the individual work process within the team to ensure a smooth and professional end result.
Direct communication and a coordinated process help keep operating costs low while tapping into synergies across the board. Food, automotive, or medical equipment – whatever your specialisation, we always have the appropriate specialists at hand.
Give us a try. We’ll put in more than a good word for you.©
ConText® is an international language service provider specialising in content creation, translation, and copy editing; our services include textual content creation and translation into all of the major languages, software and website localisation, terminology management and multilingual desktop publishing, interpreting, language training for business, and management coaching. Our customers at ConText® hail from the automotive industry, consumer goods, machinery and equipment manufacturing, finance, travel & tourism, medical technology, information technology, healthcare and research, and teaching; we are particularly specialised in IT, economics, law, banking, construction, architecture, chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, pharmaceuticals, marketing, communications, and advertising.
Context® is a word mark registered with the German Patent Office (DPMA Reg. No.: 302 010 005 634). All rights reserved.
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55118 Mainz
Tel.: +49 (6131) 55 434-0
Fax: +49 (6131) 55 434-20
E-mail: welcome(at)context.de