Identificazione del fornitori ai sensi del § 6 TMG (Telemediengesetz, legge tedesca sulle telecomunicazioni) e 55 RStV (Staatsvertrag für Rundfunk und Telemedien, contratto statale tedesco per radio e telecomunicazioni):
Proprietario: Johannes Molthan
Hindenburgstr. 10
55118 Mainz
Telefono: +49 (6131) 55 434-0
Telefax: +49 (6131) 55 434-20
E-mail: welcome(at)context.de
Tutti i contenuti della presente homepage sono proprietà intellettuale di ConText®.
Context® è una parola registrate presso il l’ufficio tedesco brevetti e marchi (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, DPMA, numero di registro 302010005634). Tutti i diritti riservati.
P. IVA: DE199967820
Responsabile per i contenuti redazionali:
Johannes Molthan
Hindenburgstr. 10
55118 Mainz
1. Website content
We offer no guarantee for the current validity, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. We shall not entertain any claims of material or immaterial nature as caused by use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, except in proven cases of intent or gross negligence on our part.
All offers are subject to alteration and without obligation. We reserve the right to change, add to, delete or temporarily or permanently close the website in part or in whole without prior notification.
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We shall only entertain liability for direct or indirect links to websites outside our sphere of influence inasmuch as we are aware of the content concerned, and where preventing the use of such illicit content is technically possible and reasonable for us.
We hereby expressly declare that no illegal content was present on the linked websites at the time of linking by the author of this website, and that we have no influence on the current or future design, content or authorship of the linked websites. We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content on linked websites that have been altered after the time we posted such links. This disclaimer applies to all links posted within our website and as well as external entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information lies solely with the provider of the website to which link was posted, not the website containing the link.
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6. Intellectual property
All content on this website are the property of ConText Communication, and may not be copied or used in whole or in part for further use. We reserve the right to claim for damages arising from copyright violations. If you have questions or problems using this service, please contact us at welcome (at) context-friends.de.
I dati personali da noi acquisiti per l’impiego del modulo di contatto saranno cancellati dopo il disbrigo della richiesta da voi inviata e dopo l’esaurimento degli obblighi legali di conservazione fiscale e commerciale. È possibile revocare in qualsiasi momento, senza indicazione dei motivi e con effetto per il futuro, un’autorizzazione concessa per esempio allo scopo di inviare una newsletter o altre informazioni da parte della nostra azienda.
Hindenburgstraße 10
55118 Mainz (Magonza)
Telefono: +49 (6131) 55 434-0
Telefax: +49 (6131) 55 434-20
E-mail: welcome(at)context.de